ISA Open-Sources Vortex Research
“Key To The Universe” is a fixed collection of 369 unique NFT licenses and CAD blueprints to three-dimensional Fibonacci.

What is Energy3?
“Energy3” is a term used to categorize decentralized sources of energy, capable of generating sustainable power-on-demand at the source of consumption.

The Self-Organizing Nature of Magnetism
Naturally, magnetism is self-organizing. One of the best ways to observe this is with a simple experiment. All you need is a gauss meter, a piece of steel, and a high-powered magnet. When you take your magnet and place it on the steel, give the magnetic field a "read" with the meter. Then take your reading, make note of it, and apply stress to the magnet by tilting it towards the steel. What you will observe with this additional stress is an increase in "density" in the field.